API documentation

This is the vault-ca API documentation. It contains the documentation extracted from the docstrings of the various classes, methods, and functions in the vault-ca package. If you want to know what a certain function/method does, this is the place to look.

vault_ca Module

`Source <https://github.com/crisidev/vault-ca/blob/master/vault_ca/__init__.py>

class vault_ca.VaultCA(kwargs)

Object to handle fetching ot certificate/key pairs and CA.

fetch(common_name, ip_sans=None, alt_names=None, ttl=None)

Fetch new certificate / key pair from Vault.

If attribute self.bootstrap_ca is set to True, also the CA is fetched.

Fetched object are written on disk.

  • common_name (str) – common name for the certificate / key pair
  • ip_sans (str) – list of IP for the current certificate, comma separated
  • alt_names (str) – list of alternative names for the current certificate, comma separated
  • ttl – TTL for the certificate / key pair

VaultCAError – if the request return errors

exception vault_ca.VaultCAError

VaultCA custom exception